Wednesday 13 May 2020

Mud Bottles | Experience | Home

I am sharing my experience of using mud bottles!

The idea of sustainable living and using green products was deep-rooted in me for many years, and on the macro-level, I had been living a sustainable-life. But on the micro-level, many alternatives were waiting to be implemented.

Using mud bottles was one of the alternatives that I decided to go forward with.

Initially, I spent more time trying to understand how to take care of them, what their limitations were, and how they could be incorporated in the everyday lifestyle in the long run. I also pondered over the extent to which they could replace not-so-eco-friendly bottles. A few of my findings are as follows:

✅ Mud bottles can be cleaned using a bottle brush. The use of soap must be avoided as their surfaces are porous. They help in oxygenating the water and keep it cool but sometimes old bottles are unable to do either after one season due to the deposition of salts and minerals.

💧After a few months of use, they might start dripping a few millilitres of water from the base and can break if not handled with care. Thus, tricky to carry when going out 💼 but definitely prove to be a portable version of the age-old matkas.

✅ They also help in employing local artisans and in supporting the local economy.

𐄷 Mud bottles can be as heavy as glass-bottles. Though non-reactive, glass bottles don't have a cooling effect like mud bottles do. Commonly used plastic bottles are lighter compared to the two, but even the best food-grade plastics carry some carcinogenic and hormone-disrupting potential.

Stainless steel bottles are an excellent choice (especially when travelling) but aren't as eco-friendly as mud bottles, and copper bottles in my experience are a little reactive so I refrain from using them.

After using mud bottles for more than two years, I can say that it is healthier to drink water at a temperature that mud bottles provide versus refrigerated water. It is cool enough to quench the thirst and is environment-friendly as well.